Refund Policy

IPT-Africa respects each individual's right to privacy. We value our relationship with you, and we take pride in maintaining loyalty and respect with each individual client by providing you with security. The provisions of this notice apply to former clients, current clients, and applicants.


We have selected WorldPay to manage the processing of payments through our application(IPT). WorldPay's payment solutions are trusted and utilised by thousands of businesses, big and small, in nearly all parts of the world. IPT Africa are secure and easy-to-use, and have enabled customers to gain access to valuable services over the Internet.

With IPT, you are provided with a variety of options for payment for such as Visa, MasterCard. We also accept debit cards like; Maestro Cards.


Our application have a refund policy , and have procedures set up to deal with refunds in accordance with Worldpay's website rules.

When can a refund be made?

When you make a refund, the Payment Service does various checks to ensure that the financial institution accepts refund instructions and that the amount to be refunded is still available for that payment. If it is, the refund request is scheduled and sent to the appropriate financial institution. Once a payment is processed, the shopper receives the refund amount you requested. You should note that a refund may take as much as 3-6 weeks to be processed depending on the acquirer.

When you attempt to make a refund you may receive error messages, if you:

  • Do not have enough funds in your account. If necessary, please contact for further assistance. Note that when you try to make a full refund on a first live payment, the Payment Service deducts commission straightaway, so the full amount is not available in your account. You are advised, therefore, to make the first live transaction one of low value.
  • Try to refund more than the CAPTURED amount.


There are two payment statuses for refunds that are displayed on the Merchant's Interface.

SENT_FOR_REFUND. This means that the Payment Service has given the financial network the order to refund the money to the shopper.

REFUNDED. This means the financial network has reported back to the Payment Service that they have received the order from Worldpay to refund the merchant. Therefore, the merchant will shortly receive or has received the refunded amount on the relevant card or account.

If you have set up your account so that you receive emails for certain events (via the Configuration Details page under the Profile menu) you and the shopper will receive an email confirming that a refund request for the relevant amount is to be returned to the merchant.

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